
Lithuania is an EU country with a rich history and culture. It is also a country with a beautiful mostly untouched landscape, characterized by forests, lakes and rivers. For people looking for a new home that offers peace, ample space to unfold and tranquility, Lithuania is an ideal destination.

What are the benefits of Lithuania?

Lithuania the hidden treasure: A country full of opportunities and natural beauties


Nature and Environment: Lithuania is known for its sparsely populated picturesque landscapes, including vast forests, gentle hills and over 6000 beautiful lakes. The largest sand dunes in Europe are located on the Curonian Spit one of the most beautiful parts of Lithuania's Baltic Sea coast.


Rich History and Culture: With a deep-rooted history and culture, Lithuania offers a wealth of historical sites, from medieval castles to baroque churches. There is also a vibrant art and music scene.


Economic Benefits: Lithuania has a rapidly growing economy with a focus on technology and innovation. This provides opportunities for entrepreneurs and professionals, especially in the fields of IT and engineering.


Quality of Life: Lithuania offers a high quality of life with a good balance between work and leisure. The cost of living is relatively low compared to many other European countries.


Education System: The education system in Lithuania is very well developed, with a number of high-quality universities and schools. This makes it a good place for families and for those looking to continue their education.


Geographical Location: Lithuania is conveniently located in Europe (Europe's geographical center is in Lithuania) and offers easy and affordable travel opportunities to other countries. It is a gateway to both Western European and Eastern European cultures.


Hospitality of the People: Lithuanians are known for their hospitality and friendliness. New arrivals often find a welcoming community that helps them settle in.


Safety: Lithuania is considered one of the safest countries in Europe with a very low crime rate. This provides a reassuring environment for residents and visitors.


Global Warming: This benefits a rather cold associated country. For years, the winters have become significantly milder but snowier and the summers warmer and longer.


Prosperity: Lithuania has the lowest debt and the highest home ownership rate within the EU…90% of all Lithuanians live in their own 4 walls.

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